Latest videos available
Below you will find the latest videos produced by Oxford Church of Christ, and some videos that we are promoting.
Please click on any of the video that you are interested in. You will then be taken to the video which will either be on this site or on YouTube.
Tour of the Ashmolean. Pt 1
Tour of the Ashmolean in Oxford showing biblical artifacts as well as many items that are in time and style related to biblical times.
This is part one, part two can be found below.
The tour was conducted by James Greig on behalf of Oxford Church of Christ.
Tour of the Ashmolean. Pt 2
Tour of the Ashmolean in Oxford showing biblical artifacts as well as many items that are in time and style related to biblical times.
This is part two, part one can be found above.
The tour was conducted by James Greig on behalf of Oxford Church of Christ.
Congregational singing led by Keith Lancaster
Congregational singing led by brother Keith Lancaster. Keith is a singer, songwriter,composer, producer and executive at The Acappella Company in Tennessee. Keith is a member of the Church of Christ in Alabama. You can read about Keith here
This was filmed in the United States of America.
British Museum tour.
Tour of the British Museum in London, conducted by Patrick Boyns from the British Bible School.